Pet Guardian
In the event of my severe illness or death, I have made arrangements with the following guardian to care for my pets.
Please contact them at once, as my pet(s) will need to be cared for immediately.
(Please Print)
Address: __________________________________________________________
Home #: _____________________________Work #:______________________
Cell #: _______________________________ Pager #______________________
Veterinarian: __________________________________ Phone ________________
Pet's Names:______________________________________________________________________________
I ___________________________________ give my pet(s),
and any other animals which I may own at the time of my death, to
presently residing at ____________________________________________________________,
phone: ________________________________with the request that they treat them as companion animals.
If they are unable or unwilling to accept my animals,
I give such animals to __________________________________________________________,
presently residing at __________________________________________________________
phone: ________________________________with the request that they treat them as companion animals.
If they are unable or unwilling to accept my animals, my Executor shall select an appropriate person to
accept the animals and treat them as companion animals, and I give my animals to such person.
I direct my Executor to give $_______________ from my estate to the person who accepts my animals,
and I request (but do not direct) that these funds be used for the care of my animals.
The Executor of my will:
Name_______________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
Address _____________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________
Date: _______________________________________________________
Witness _____________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________
Witness: ____________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________