PurrEver Ranch Donation Form

PurrEver Ranch is a 501(C)3, not-for-profit, organization.
Your donations are tax-deductible as allowed by Federal tax laws. EIN 26-1416352

Please print this form, fill out, and mail to:

PurrEver Ranch Sanctuary
POB 375
Coldwater, Mississippi 38618

CITY____________________________________ STATE/PROVINCE_______________________
ZIP/POSTCODE_______________ COUNTRY_________________________________________
PHONE*___________________________________ E-MAIL_____________________________
*Should we have problems or questions in processing your donation

Yes! I would like to help support PurrEver Ranch Sanctuary.

I would like to donate to PurrEver Ranch as follows:

_____ Ongoing monthly contribution in the amount of $______________

_____ One Time Donation in the amount of $______________________

Enclosed is my tax-deductible gift of:

$15 $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 $1000 Other $______

[ ] Check enclosed

Is this gift in honor or memory of someone else?

If Yes, the following are required fields:  
In honor of ____Birthday _____Anniv ____Xmas _____ Graduation ____Retirement 
  Date (If Applicable) ______________________________________________________
In memory of____________________________________________________(Name of Person or Pet)

Please send an acknowledgement to:
(Name and Address of a friend or family member whom PurrEver Ranch should notify of your gift):

_____Add me to the PurrEver Ranch mailing list. 

_____Send acknowledgement of donation.
_____Do not acknowledge---use the money for the senior kittizens!